
作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2023年12月27日 14:25:11




  1. 高確率の価格逆転の機会を特定するために成熟した技術分析理論に基づいています.
  2. シンプルで直感的な取引シグナルがあります
  3. リスクはコントロールできる.







  1. 熟練した技術分析理論に基づいています.
  2. 取引シグナルはシンプルで直感的で 簡単に理解し 定量的な取引のために自動化されます
  3. インデックス・フューチャーなどの高流動性商品の取引は効率的な入出を可能にします
  4. 利益目標とストップロスの出口は,各取引のリスク/リターン比を効果的に制御し,収益性を確保し,大きな損失を回避します.
  5. 柔軟なパラメータ調整は,異なる製品と市場環境に適しています.



  1. 誤った信号のリスクは技術分析理論に基づいているからです
  2. 市場体制の変化により,調整が必要なパラメータが無効になる可能性があります.
  3. ストップ・ロスの値が狭すぎると早速退場する可能性があるが,幅が広い場合は大きな損失をもたらす可能性がある.


  1. パラメータを最適化し,市場条件に合わせてパフォーマンスを検証する.
  2. ストップ・ロスのレベルを拡大して 単一の取引損失を 受け入れられるレベルに抑える
  3. 高流動性のある商品を取引し,適正な変動性のある商品は,インデックスやフューチャーETFです.



  1. 傾向に反する取引を避けるために 移動平均値のようなフィルターを追加します
  2. 利益の拡大を目標に
  3. ストップ・ロスのメカニズムを最適化します ストップ・アウトの可能性を減らすために
  4. 取引システムを作成するために,ブリーッシュエングルフィングに似た他のキャンドルスタイクパターンの組み合わせを使用します.



start: 2022-12-20 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-26 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// © thequantscience

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     "Buy&Sell Bullish Engulfing - The Quant Science",
     overlay = true,
     default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, 
     default_qty_value = 100,
     pyramiding = 1,
     currency = currency.EUR,
     initial_capital = 10000,
     commission_type = strategy.commission.percent,
     commission_value = 0.07,
     process_orders_on_close = true, 
     close_entries_rule = "ANY"

startDate  = input.int(title="D: ", defval=1,    minval=1,    maxval=31,   inline = 'Start', group = "START DATE BACKTESTING", tooltip = "D is Day, M is Month, Y is Year.")
startMonth = input.int(title="M: ", defval=1,    minval=1,    maxval=12,   inline = 'Start', group = "START DATE BACKTESTING", tooltip = "D is Day, M is Month, Y is Year.")
startYear  = input.int(title="Y: ", defval=2022, minval=1800, maxval=2100, inline = 'Start', group = "START DATE BACKTESTING", tooltip = "D is Day, M is Month, Y is Year.")

endDate    = input.int(title="D: ", defval=31,   minval=1,    maxval=31,   inline = 'End',   group = "END DATE BACKTESTING", tooltip = "D is Day, M is Month, Y is Year.")
endMonth   = input.int(title="M: ", defval=12,   minval=1,    maxval=12,   inline = 'End',   group = "END DATE BACKTESTING", tooltip = "D is Day, M is Month, Y is Year.")
endYear    = input.int(title="Y: ", defval=2023, minval=1800, maxval=2100, inline = 'End',   group = "END DATE BACKTESTING", tooltip = "D is Day, M is Month, Y is Year.")

inDateRange = (time >= timestamp(syminfo.timezone, startYear, startMonth, startDate, 0, 0)) and (time < timestamp(syminfo.timezone, endYear, endMonth, endDate, 0, 0))

PROFIT   = input.float(defval = 1, minval = 0, title = "Target profit (%): ", step = 0.10, group = "TAKE PROFIT-STOP LOSS")
STOPLOSS = input.float(defval = 1, minval = 0, title = "Stop Loss (%): ",     step = 0.10, group = "TAKE PROFIT-STOP LOSS")

var float equity_trades = 0
strategy.initial_capital = 50000
equity_trades := strategy.initial_capital
var float equity   = 0
var float qty_order   = 0
t_ordersize = "Percentage size of each new order. With 'Reinvestment Profit' activate, the size will be calculate on the equity, with 'Reinvestment Profit' deactivate the size will be calculate on the initial capital."
orders_size = input.float(defval = 2, title = "Orders size (%): ", minval = 0.10, step = 0.10,  maxval = 100, group = "RISK MANAGEMENT", tooltip = t_ordersize)
qty_order := ((equity_trades * orders_size) / 100 ) / close 

C_DownTrend = true
C_UpTrend   = true
var trendRule1 = "SMA50"
var trendRule2 = "SMA50, SMA200"
var trendRule = input.string(trendRule1, "Detect Trend Based On", options=[trendRule1, trendRule2, "No detection"], group = "BULLISH ENGULFING")

if trendRule == trendRule1
	priceAvg = ta.sma(close, 50)
	C_DownTrend := close < priceAvg
	C_UpTrend := close > priceAvg

if trendRule == trendRule2
	sma200 = ta.sma(close, 200)
	sma50  = ta.sma(close, 50)
	C_DownTrend := close < sma50 and sma50 < sma200
	C_UpTrend := close > sma50 and sma50 > sma200
C_Len = 14
C_ShadowPercent = 5.0 
C_ShadowEqualsPercent = 100.0
C_DojiBodyPercent = 5.0
C_Factor = 2.0 

C_BodyHi = math.max(close, open)
C_BodyLo = math.min(close, open)
C_Body = C_BodyHi - C_BodyLo
C_BodyAvg = ta.ema(C_Body, C_Len)
C_SmallBody = C_Body < C_BodyAvg
C_LongBody = C_Body > C_BodyAvg
C_UpShadow = high - C_BodyHi
C_DnShadow = C_BodyLo - low
C_HasUpShadow = C_UpShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body
C_HasDnShadow = C_DnShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body
C_WhiteBody = open < close
C_BlackBody = open > close
C_Range = high-low
C_IsInsideBar = C_BodyHi[1] > C_BodyHi and C_BodyLo[1] < C_BodyLo
C_BodyMiddle = C_Body / 2 + C_BodyLo
C_ShadowEquals = C_UpShadow == C_DnShadow or (math.abs(C_UpShadow - C_DnShadow) / C_DnShadow * 100) < C_ShadowEqualsPercent and (math.abs(C_DnShadow - C_UpShadow) / C_UpShadow * 100) < C_ShadowEqualsPercent
C_IsDojiBody = C_Range > 0 and C_Body <= C_Range * C_DojiBodyPercent / 100
C_Doji = C_IsDojiBody and C_ShadowEquals

patternLabelPosLow  = low  - (ta.atr(30) * 0.6)
patternLabelPosHigh = high + (ta.atr(30) * 0.6)

label_color_bullish = input.color(color.rgb(43, 255, 0), title = "Label Color Bullish", group = "BULLISH ENGULFING")
C_EngulfingBullishNumberOfCandles = 2
C_EngulfingBullish = C_DownTrend and C_WhiteBody and C_LongBody and C_BlackBody[1] and C_SmallBody[1] and close >= open[1] and open <= close[1] and ( close > open[1] or open < close[1] )
if C_EngulfingBullish
    var ttBullishEngulfing = "Engulfing\nAt the end of a given downward trend, there will most likely be a reversal pattern. To distinguish the first day, this candlestick pattern uses a small body, followed by a day where the candle body fully overtakes the body from the day before, and closes in the trend’s opposite direction. Although similar to the outside reversal chart pattern, it is not essential for this pattern to completely overtake the range (high to low), rather only the open and the close."
    label.new(bar_index, patternLabelPosLow, text="BE", style=label.style_label_up, color = label_color_bullish, textcolor=color.white, tooltip = ttBullishEngulfing)
bgcolor(ta.highest(C_EngulfingBullish?1:0, C_EngulfingBullishNumberOfCandles)!=0 ? color.new(#21f321, 90) : na, offset=-(C_EngulfingBullishNumberOfCandles-1))

var float c       = 0
var float o       = 0
var float c_exit  = 0
var float c_stopl = 0

if C_EngulfingBullish and strategy.opentrades==0 and inDateRange 
    c := strategy.equity
    o := close
    c_exit  := c + (c * PROFIT / 100)
    c_stopl := c - (c * STOPLOSS / 100)
    strategy.entry(id = "LONG", direction = strategy.long, qty = qty_order, limit = o)

if ta.crossover(strategy.equity, c_exit)
    strategy.exit(id = "CLOSE-LONG", from_entry = "LONG", limit = close)
if ta.crossunder(strategy.equity, c_stopl)
    strategy.exit(id = "CLOSE-LONG", from_entry = "LONG", limit = close)
